My run with my mom

It was Saturday and my Mom did not run in the morning.  So she asked me if I wanted to run with her.  So I said yes I did.  She said I was going to run 6 miles so we got started.  We ran around the block and we were going to go to the street across from us and ran around there.  Then we started to go to the commercial park where Lindt Chocolate was.  I was super tired and my Mom said it was alright to go back.  I said no ma’am.  Then I had some water and then I was ready to keep on running.  So we kept on running to the commercial park.  I saw houses I have never seen before.  I liked it a lot.  To see houses I have never seen made me think, who lives in those houses?  When we got to the commercial park I was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired that I asked if I could walk for right now.  We walked and ran all over the commercial park.

When we started to run, we went around the Lindt Chocolate factory loop and when we ended we went around the Lindt Chocolate factory loop and went back to Exeter Road.  And then we went back home.  When we got back home, we had run a 10k.  A 10k is 6.2 miles.

The next day my legs were sore.  They actually still sore.

Mouse and the motorcycle – part 4

Ralph was scared that Keith would be angry that he had lost the motorcycle, but he needed to tell the truth.  So he told Keith that he had lost the motorcycle, but Keith was not angry for some reason.  Then Ralph asked for something not weird for breakfast.  He asked for toast, jelly, and bacon.  Keith said that he would get it for him.  When Keith got back he had a fever and he was sick.  He was sick in a bad way.  So Ralph went to go find the motorcycle when Keith was asleep.

And that is how far I got today in the book.

Mouse and the Motorcycle – part 3

Ralph after he rode his motorcycle wanted a snack and it was the morning so he asked the kid if he could get him a peanut butter sandwich. Keith, the name of the kid, that’s a funny thing to have for breakfast.  So Keith brought him a peanut butter sandwich and left it in the mouse hole. Keith said, “NO RIDING THE MOTORCYCLE!” and Ralph promised he wouldn’t.  Then Ralph went to get the motorcycle and then the people who clean the rooms came and Ralph was under the bed.  One of the cleaners vacuumed under the bed and the attachment came off and almost sucked Ralph into the vacuum cleaner, but he used the motorcycle to get out of the suction.  It worked!  Ralph was free!  And then someone came into clean the room and they spotted Ralph and they did not care so they started to clean the bed.  Ralph bit through the fabric to get to the top of the bed.  He lost the motorcycle in the bed.

The Mouse and the Motorcycle – part 2

I am still reading Beverly Cleary’s book, The Mouse and the Motorcycle. I met the mouse, his name is Ralph and he wants to ride the motorcycle. So he climbs up the telephone cord and tries to ride the toy motorcycle but it just won’t work. Then he tries pushing himself and then the phone rang and he fell into the wastebasket. Then the kid was worried because he couldn’t find his motorcycle.

Then he found Ralph and helped him get out of the wastebasket. Then he and the kid had something that they were able to understand what they are saying. Then Ralph asks if he can ride the motorcycle in the hallway and then the kid says yes and that Ralph can use it at night and he can use it in the morning. And Ralph has a ride in the hallway. He almost gets seen two times. But the last time someone comes near Ralph, he is seen by Matt, the bellboy, who sees everyday. He opens the door to let Ralph in and then the kid’s mom sees him. She screams MOUSE! Then Ralph scurries up the kid and hides near his armpit. The dad says you saw a mouse riding a red motorcycle and starts laughing.








Secret passage ⛰🚪 Chapter 1 – The Discovery

My family and I had a big flood in our basement.  I was curious on what was under the stairs so I went under with my brother. When we were under the stairs I saw a blue door that said “Come in please.” So I opened the door to wherever it went and walked into it.

And then my brother asked me, “Is there a party?”

I answered, “No, but there is a disco ball that says ‘party rockers in the house tonight. Everybody’s gonna have a good good time.'”

“That was super cool that everything in the secret passageway was really nice,” thought Jacob.

I was so confused.  I asked, “Why is everything so nice?”

“I don’t know,” said Jacob.

“That’s 20 jumping jacks!” I said.  When someone says I don’t know we have to do 20 jumping jacks or 10 push ups.  When Jacob was done with his jumping jacks he said “SUSHI! There’s SUSHI!” Jacob never had sushi before so he was excited that there was SUSHI!!!

Panama souvenirs


Here is the description of my souvenirs:






I brought home a Molas.  It is a cloth panal for a Panamanian woman’s shirt.







I also brought a Panamanian coin home.







And the flag of Panama.

climate vs weather – extreme weather

Climate is the weather that typically happens. But weather is what is happening today. There are 4 different types of Extreme Weather. They are Thunderstorms,Tornadoes, Hurricanes and Blizzards. Weather becomes extreme when hot and cold air collides and causes the air to move quickly up, down or all around.  The temperature also matters – it changes how much water is in the air and the type of precipitation.

Thunderstorms have Lots of different clouds in including my favorite Cumulonimbus. There can be Sleet, Hail, Snow and Rain. They have lightning and pretty strong winds. Stronger in south USA 

Tornadoes.  In the middle of the USA there is a part called Tornado ally. Really fast small ones wind to or over 500 mph.  Tornadoes are big tube like storms.

Hurricanes start over water. Hurricane season is from June 1 to November 30.   There are five different categories of hurricanes. Hurricanes cause more damage than tornadoes do in a year. They also can case floods.   

Blizzards Has snow and the winds can be 35+mph.  Last for a long time. It can drop several feet of snow very quickly.

Just a reminder, this all goes back to just climate and weather.  That is how these storms happen.  You do not want to be in extreme weather, but regular weather is what happens around you most of the day. As a description, climate is what happens usually, so it’s been raining in spring in North Hampton while the weather in North Hampton is cloudy.    

If I could plant a garden of anything, what would be in it?

It would have Potatoes, Apples, Cherries, Carrots, Cucumbers, Bananas, Onions, Radishes,  Red Carrots, Blue Carrots, Purple Carrots, Every color Carrots, Pumpkins, Peaches, Blueberries, Grapes, Ground Cherries, and Mangoes.

Cucumbers because they turn into pickles. Colorful carrots because I like they way they taste in the soup my mom makes.  I also like to eat them raw.  I would like to make french fries or potato chips with my potatoes.  I would plant sweet potatoes because my mom eats them all the time.  Pumpkins because we get to carve them into jack-o-lanterns and the seeds are delicious! Fruit trees are delicious and I might have a lot of dogs when I am older and they might like like to eat the fruit. I like the radishes and onions because they are spicy. Ground Cherries because they are the only tomatoes that I like.